This army leather suitcase is a historical beauty.The 8 corners are reinforced. The locks (3) are intact. The suitcase is marked by several stickers ("Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linie"; "Balmoral & 1st class cabin 251) and labels ("Chudleigh bros English manifacture South Africa"; "warranted flaxite fibre fratherweight rectrademark").
The suitcase belonged to Lieutenant Colonel J.N. Tetley from 25th Army Tank Brigade. Lt. Col. Tetley and his battalion played a decisive role in attacking the Adolf Hitler Line in Italy. In 1944 they joined with a Canadian infantry brigade and on May 23rd they succeeded in breaking the Line, albeit with serious casualties. Read more about J.N. Tetley here and discover why the comrades still wear the Maple Leaf up until today ...
L 60cm - B 50cm - H 50cm - 8,4kg